Seeing Double #2

The last two weekends I've taken my camera to gigs just so I can refresh my memory on how much taking photos sucks and I can complain to pain management later but I'm still having heaps of fun with the double exposures. I can't believe I considered buying $150 prisms to make dodgy photos when... Continue Reading →

Seeing Double

This is going to be a rambling mashup of Saturday night and all about my shit spine. You've been warned. Saturday night was full on. Firstly, lots of people. SO MANY PEOPLE. When you've only seen 2-3 people a handful of times in 7 months the idea of being in a room of over 250... Continue Reading →

Punks Against Poverty Minifest

For the last couple of years I've been running an event called Punks Against Poverty. The idea came after reading an article via Share the Dignity on how homeless women struggle dealing with their periods when they can't afford pads/tampons. For whatever reason that was something that never occurred to me. Some months I might... Continue Reading →

Ohm Rune

Fungalfest this weekend was insane on so many levels. We're talking good and bad here. The most exciting part was this awesome shooting star that came out of nowhere. It was HUGE. Like it could have been a firework. Only about 4 of us even saw it amazingly. Before the weekend, Ohm Rune had asked... Continue Reading →

Punktoberfest 2017

Today I've been arguing with myself on "..but would I do it again?". I'm paying the price big time for taking photos last night at Punktoberfest. Last night during the 2nd band my back started to go so I took codeine and I was good for the rest of the night. At the most I... Continue Reading →

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